

3/2/19, ハーバード社会起業大会でパネル登壇してきました。


パネルのタイトルは、“Innovators Everywhere: Pathways to Progress through “Unlikely” Problem Solvers”
http://socialenterpriseconference.org/2019agenda/複雑な社会問題(complex social problems)を解決する為の、いわゆるOpen Innovation2.0についての議題です。
Open Innovation1.0は、問題提供、問題解決を一対一の関係性で行うものであるのに対して、Open Innovation2.0は、社会解決の課題を解決する新しいタイプのオープンイノベーション、共創型の課題解決法です。(”コレクティブインパクト”のコンセプトとも言えるかと思います)今回のSECONのメインテーマも、Unlikely Allies, とあるように、様々なコラボレーションから、社会課題にも破壊的なイノベーションが求められていることがよく映しだされています。

(2018年に行なった、Open InnovationとBinnovativeの活動に関する講義で使ったスライドをこちらのリンク上のブログで公開しましたのでご参照ください




毎年NASA International Space Apps Challenge (ISAC)をグローバルでオーガナイズしてくれ、今回モデレーターを務めてくれたMattに感謝。

また、この大会のために国外(日本やインド)からわざわざ飛んできている方にお目にかかりました。Social entreprise に対する真剣さには頭が下がります。田辺さんは2003年から毎年来られているということで脱帽です。この大会にはそれだけの価値があるのだということです。
(毎年来られている Yutaka Tanabe さんのFacebookでの投稿によると、日本人女性がこの大会で登壇するのは大会で初めてだそうです) 。


Spoke as a panelist at the Harvard Social Enterprise Conference.

Panel : “Innovators Everywhere: Pathways to Progress through “Unlikely” Problem Solvers”
This panel was themed around Open Innovation2.0; one of the solutions to “complex social problems”. The collaborations seen these days – the public x private sectors, old large companies x startups, and also talent pools of individual contributors around the world.

Our panel consisted of people with a mix of backgrounds – federal government, international development, civic hacking, and community-based incubation. I was part of this panel as a practitioner of cross culture community-based open innovation. Multi-cultural collaboration is always difficult as it requires people with totally different backgrounds and thought processes to work together – the outcome people expect is called “disruptive innovation”. But it is not easy. What then is the solution? I was really curious to hear about this from other panelists.

I always thought “Entrepreneurial mindset” in individuals is the key. Innovation, collaboration, all of these come from individuals. This is the reason Binnovative exists. And the interesting thing is — my peer panelists also thought that mindset is key. Regardless of their background. Everyone who experienced successful collaboration (maybe after failures) seem to come to the same conclusion.

I really liked interacting with peer panelists having similar goals. Appreciated being part of this amazing panel, learned a lot, and made great friends. (Special thanks to the moderator Matt Scott, the global lead of NASA ISAC which we organize Boston event every year) Being part of this panel also reconfirmed what I am in the process of achieving as a socially minded entrepreneur.

Finally, I really appreciate my Binnovative team members and the Binnovative community. I was a representative of Binnovative at this panel; this happened because of everyone.

One more thing — I respect the dedication of the many people I met, who flew in from Japan, India, or the Middle East, down to Boston especially for this event. There is a wealth of learning about the subject of Social Enterprise in this conference. (According to Yutaka Tanabe san who is coming to this event every year since 2003, I am the first Japanese female panelist).